Episode 89: Markus Lundqvist – Potpourri

Just a sprinkle of the insanely sweet stuff in this cube.
Check out the artist…
I really love this one for some reason
Alpha Karakas
The gold cards came out sooooo well.
I know


  1. Jonas (Preacher) October 31, 2019

    sweet sweet stuff! the first “oldschooled” new card I saw was a Liliana of the Veil a couple of years ago. It looked awesome! this cube seems like the same! same author?

    If i had the necesary equipment, I would prob do a similar version but instead change some small stuff (like cmc, or P/T) on existing cards. There are so many old shool cards with awesome art and abilities but with an outrageous casting cost (Planar Gate, any non grixis legends) or it´s to weak (El Hajjaj, Knights of Thorn) or a drawback thats to steep (Season of the Witch, Cosmic Horror, Mold Demon). This topic has been discussed earlier in the Kalle Nord episode but it popped into my mind when listening to this episode.

    keep up the good work!

  2. tony November 14, 2019

    These are amazing

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