Posts in Category: 2019

Episode 48: Spike to Spice – Andy Baquero



Rack Tribal

When Racks Attack

Episode 47: Urza’s Chalice – Tapan Lockwood and MikeVanDyke

Let the FOMO flow through you

Tapan’s “Titania’s Tranny”

Tapan’s R/B Singleton

My Singleton Recur/Durdle.dec

What Mike woke up to Sunday morning

Episode 46: Jeff White – Team Sped Potpourri

Jeff’s CandleFlareMirrorBall from EW. Needs more Forks.

Atog Dreams, what a lovely name for a deck.

The one that started it all.

Pretty good Disney movie bracket (courtesy of Tom Hagen)

Episode 45: Francesc Montserrat – The Catalan League

Catalan Old School League Facebook Page

Jesus Fuck

I mean

Good Lord

Just a random prize for winning their monthly tourney. Hand painted, one of a kind.

There are plenty more where these came from, check their Facebook page

More Prizes for Top 8.

If this is not you, you are not old schooling hard enough.

Francesc’s awesome Old School Old School proxies.

And Another