Posts in Category: 2018

Episode 11: Worth Wollpert – Lava Tubes




Episode 10: Jimmy Cooney – Dice City Games


Sweet poster for 2018 Back to the Past tourney

W/R Sunglasses.draft.dec


Fungal Enchantress, format staple.


Board state from EW 2017 after Jimmy Phantasmal Terrained my Factory to turn on his 2 Dandan’s (and the Control Magic in my hand.)



Episode 9: Kirwan’s Tourney Recap Plus More on Atogs with Will Magrann




Will’s Atog List from Kirwan’s


“12 creature” RUG Tog (EC)


8 Creature U/R Tog (EC)


All-in Berserk Tog (Swedish)


Howling Mine Tog (Swedish)



Episode 8: Swedish Banned and Restricted List Update – Svante Landgraf




Episode 7: Alpha.dec – Paul DeSilva



Paul’s Instagram (8bit_mtg)






Episode 6: Noobcon – Eliot Davidoff



Eliot’s Noobcon Deck


Eliot’s Deck from Kalle Nord’s Saturday “Main Tournament”


Pic of final turn of the epic battle with Lord of the Pit Danny Friedman


Standard Lich deck winning turn: lots of restricted cards and a fireball.


Kristoffer Arlefur’s 2017 Noobcon winning deck sporting Nightmare!



Episode 5: Noobcon – Dave Firth Bard



DFB’s All-Alpha deck for the Wizards Tourney


DFB’s Noobon Deck



Episode 4: Sindbad

Just learned this card was not called “Sinbad” after googling it to find a pic.






Am not running Timetwister here, which may be a mistake.  I give up the broken early Twisters to not draw a dead card later when I been doing work filling up the yard.  Deck could also run a Transmute or two, but that would likely mean cutting lands for Fellwars, and I wanna keep my land count high for Sindbad.  Channel also a consideration.  Ring of Renewal is real spicy here as well.



When laying out this Enchantress deck I realized it is likely too hungry for U and G mana to really run Land Tax (again if only Enchantress cost G1!)  I did keep white in the deck for Spirit Link, which seems counterintuitive, but Spirit Link is good on turn 5 while Land Tax gets a lot worse as turns go by.  Deck should certainly pay Tutor as well, but wanted more room for the spicy stuff.



Episode 3: Mirrorball

Mar 20, 2018

This episode I interview combo master Svante Landgraf about his Mirrorball deck from Arvika, as well as combo in general under Swedish rules.


Svante’s Mirrorball Deck


Svante’s article from Arvika



Episode 2: Temple of Sped


Mar 13, 2018

A brief look at the evolution of Temple of Sped.


My tourney report from Eternal Weekend 2017


Temple circa August 2015


Temple from EW 2017