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Episode 135: Alters – Dustin Brossard

I think is my favorite, although I could not tell you why
Wow this looks a lot better now!
So Clean
I generally love colors but this thing is hot AF
There are 7 different refs to cards on this
Fucking Shawn Sullivan
Content is A+. I think they would pop more with white borders though.

Episode 134 – The Art of Magic – Jamie, Jeff, and Farkas

Maybe the greatest wedding gift of all time (Matt Wang and I got this for Jamie)
2 of Jamie’s favorite things, original Spicy art and his pup Avon Barksdale
Spicy Closeup
Biscuit (Jamie)
Just a couple of Bombadons (Jamie)
Bunch of Michael Sutfin pieces (Jamie)
2 of the most important canyons, Griffin and Grand
4 more cards (Jamie)
God this one is hot (Exclude, Jamie)
Matt Wang Smashing Smash
Coffin Purge (Jeff)
Repercussian (Jeff)
Fireslinger (Jeff)
Jeff’s Wall
Coercion (Jamie)
Simian Grunts (Farkas or maybe Jeff?)
Terminate (Farkas or Maybe Jeff?)
Thran War Machine (Farkas)
Most Venerable Producer (Jeff, wedding gift from Farkas)
Jamurran Lion (Farkas – Maybe my fav of all these – Visions draft staple + Scryings card + Lion King feel + huge colorful art is hard to beat)

Episode 133 – Casual Master – Adam Merkado

Absolutely Perfect

Episode 132: Lobsters and Brews – Ben Katz

The Winning Deck (running the traditional 4 bolt sideboard)
Oh God
Don’t Stop
Please Don’t Stop
Right There

Episode 131: Singleton – Mark Herberholz and Lan D. Ho

Mark’s Singleton from Chalice 2020
My Singleton from Chalice 2020

Episode 130: MUD and Other Things – Aland

Looks like just about the most fun thing ever

Episode 129: Tales of a Fledgling Sorcerer – DFB

“Wizard Town” (Traditional Old School Archetype)

Everything You Need to Know About LobstercoM

Episode 128: Desert Twisters – Kyra and Justin

Nerds in Cars Talking Cards

Episode 127: Slanfan

Slanfan’s Crap
My kingdom for this sort of drawing ability
Some Trike, uhh, arms

MobstercoM 2020

So MobstercoM has come and gone, and I think it can only be considered a great success. 69 total players is the best possible number of players. The whole thing was streamed by TimmyTalks. We had a fitting winner, and (most importantly) the tourney started and ended on time.

Oh, we also raised just over $2000 for Campaign Zero (which Jamie Parke generously matched for Recidiviz), for a total of $4000 raised! Thank you all so much! The generosity of our community continues to amaze me.

Many many (MANY) thanks go out to Mattias Berggren (Slanfan), Florian “FloVo” von Bredow, Thomas Meddens, and Richard Veenman. This would not have been possible without your efforts, I owe you 1 (or 2 or 8…) Also thanks to my guest commentators: Chris Mason, Dom Dotterer, Jon Finkel, Ben Farkas, Lan D. Ho, and Carter Petray. I hope you had as much fun as I did.

Here is the top 15 (all the 5-2’s or better). Complete standings can be found here:

Brother of Fire Ben Twichen won the day in every sense of the word, going 7-0 with decks featuring Mesa Pegasus, Healing Salve, Pestilence, Deathlace, Northern Palladin, Hellfire, and BLACK WARD. He and I spoke in depth about the tourney on an ATC episode here.

Brother Ben

I would also like to congratulate Andy Callaghan for joining Ben in the dual threat camp (for high finishers playing spicy decks.) He went 5-2 with decks featuring Spitting Slug, Immolation, Stone Giant, and Ashnod’s Transmogrant:

Andy Callaghan

Here, in no particular order are the other Spice winners. If you feel you have been left out, find me somewhere and plead your case 🙂

Brian Limbacher
Scott Bradley (Top Deck Pic)
Jon Dittert (Top Deck Pic)
Adam Merkado (Top Deck Pic)
Øyvind Skattum Vesteng
Baron Nick
Jeff Liu (Top Deck Pic)
Eric Do Couto
Sammy Hagour
Park Cofield
Jordan Boyle
Andy Baquero (Top Deck Pic)
Mark LePine

Rich Borque, who went 5-2 but did not spice, also deserves some credit for his lovely deck pic:

Rich Borque (Top Deck Pic)

Also congrats to Jeff Grasso for playing the most Savannahs with 12!

Jeff Grasso

I will try to send out some prizes for all this stuff, but it might not be for a little while, so be patient.

Given the feedback I have been getting, the format seems to have legs, and I could see this being a thing going forward. Thanks again to everyone who helped out, and of course to everyone who played!